Paula Bründl

Culinary journey,
inspired since childhood.

My culinary story begins in the fertile lands of the Ahrntal Valley in South Tyrol, where my grandparents dedicated their lives to producing and refining natural foods. It was there that I first fell in love with working alongside nature and processing its precious products. As a child, it was probably due to the countless adventures that awaited around every corner of the farm. Today, it's more about the connection to the authentic, the natural, the meaningful, and the unparalleled energy they provide us.

Thanks to my dear mother, I had the privilege of enjoying the treasures of South Tyrolean cuisine freshly prepared every day until I was 18. It satisfied my ravenous hunger after long school days and, as I now realise, laid the foundation for my palate. "Normal food" was defined by the fresh and simple preparation of regional ingredients, without any fuss or gimmicks. And that's exactly how I define it today.

Culinary passion,
transformed into a devoted chef.

At 15, I went to the USA, and at 18, to Colombia. What I realised there was that whenever I felt homesick or longed for home, it was my favourite childhood dishes that I craved most, freshly cooked by my mother. These meals, the culinary traditions, and dining rituals gave me a sense of origin, rootedness, and identity. Everything else seemed interchangeable and repetitive, but traditional cuisine was absolutely unique and brimming with authenticity.

While I was finishing my Bachelor's degree in Psychology in Vienna, something completely unexpected happened — the first COVID-19 lockdown was imposed in Austria. A period of standstill began, at least in the outside world, but not within me. It awakened a passion that had perhaps always been dormant inside me — the passion for preparing the good food I had always loved and adored. And so my journey into the world of cooking began. Surprisingly, it quickly led to appearances on two cooking shows on German television: "Die Küchenschlacht" and shortly after, "The Taste." Winning the latter surprised not only many viewers but also myself. It became clear that it was time to take this journey seriously. Thus began my professional path as a chef. I started an apprenticeship at Steirereck in Vienna and completed it at Mühltalhof under Phillip Rachinger. In between, it felt like a lifetime had passed—but that's a story for another time.

A lifelong
culinary journey.

Food — good, honest, authentic food — possesses a unique power. It moves us because it resonates with genuine authenticity. Not through force, noise, or flashiness, but through simple honesty. Culinary art is what it is and never pretends to be something else. It not only sustains us but also shapes the way we live. Do we live in harmony with nature, craftsmanship, and origin, or are we mere consumers in an artificial world? Do we consciously and actively fill our lives with moments of pleasure, flavour, and togetherness, or do we remain passive passengers?

For me, it's entirely clear: the more we cook and the better we eat, the more fulfilled our lives become. And it is for this very reason that I have dedicated myself fully to this fascinating aspect of our lives.

I am passionate about inspiring others through culinary experiences.


Inspiring Culinary

Courses, Lectures, Seminars

“The more we cook, the better we eat and the more fulfilled we become. Let me show you the world of culinary delights through my eyes.”

Inspiring Culinary

Media Projects

“I love inspiring people with the world of culinary arts and sharing my personal experiences with them.”

Inspiring Culinary

Private Cooking at Your Home

“My passion, my cuisine, and my dishes exclusively for your loved ones, right at your home.”

Inspiring Culinary

Creating Spaces - Culinary Mastery

“Together with my team, we passionately and devotedly craft culinary experiences of excellence. From restaurant concepts and menu design to team leadership, our top priority is to develop bespoke solutions tailored to your needs.”

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